Too many new items

Too many new items

The sun will be rising - the new shop for 1:6 scale collectibles will be opened.

I must admit. I have too many new items for my shop. This far I have had my shop only in Finnish, but now I wanted to make it also in English. And I noticed that there are soooo many items which I do not have available from my shop, but sell at dollhouse fairs. So this new shop will have over 250 items, when all are published!

I'm both happy and excited, as most of the items are of my own brand and items you can't buy anywhere else. Of course there are some items made in China, but I have found a Finnish subcontractor who designs wonderful 3D items. Stay tuned to see them all!

Takaisin blogiin

1 kommentti

Kiitos, hieno valikoima jo nyt, odotan innolla uusia tuotteita! Tein itselleni “muistilistan” eli ostoslistan, mitä tarvitsen, palaan siihen myöhemmin.
Anneli Vuolle
Asemakatu 5 B as.12
70110 Kuopio

Anneli Vuolle

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